I think I can make something to show it from the different contacts, all depending on if your contact sent you the message, but that is going to become longer. I'll try it out for you and see what I can do for you.
Btw Ddunk
Originally posted by Ddunk
With that, you're saying "Open a toast with the title 'Origin' (which doesn't exist), have text of 'Opened a Chat Window With', play the sound 'Origin' and run the function 'CHIMES.WAV' when you click the toast." Also, you don't need to use DisplayToastContact. Ignore that, didn't realize DisplayToastContact used different params. (Smilie) I'd still suggest using DisplayToast instead.
Really it only needed the DisplayToast, the difference between them is that DisplayToastContact allows you to have the likes of colour, bold, italics, etc in the first line and automatically puts the next lot of quotes on the next line.