RE: Your Views: Religion
Do you believe there is a god/s?
Not sure. I don't believe any creation stories up to the point of the big bang, but after that, I have no idea.
What do you think of Religions?
Bad. Ok, so maybe most people that are religious don't go on killing sprees and are everyday happy nice people. But what do they do if we eventually prove that there isn't a God? Unlike in the past where people used "God did it" for an excuse to things they didn't know, where it wasn't actually that important to be proved wrong, this would undermine their entire faith. I'm pretty certain if this happened a lot of people would be "lost".
Whereas with atheists, if we proved God existed, then they'd just be like "ah crap, we were wrong, lets get on with worshipping this dude."
Have some Religions gone to far with some of their rules?
Yes. It's the whole sexist thing. In most widespread religions (christianity, islam, etc) women are treated way worse than men. Although in Christianity it's not so bad in modern days (they're even considering female bishops last I heard (although it's strange for a religious body to accept a "gay" leader before a woman, but whatever)) we can still see Islam being used (I'm not saying this is the whole point of the religion) to keep women almost persecuted in Islamic countries (* thinks Afghanistan).
As I said, I'm not saying this is what the *religion* teaches, but it is what people interpret the religion to say (or exploit it). But in effect, in my opinion anyway, religions are only there to keep people in line anyway.
Are you religous?
No way.
Do you think religion causes too much violence?
Not religion in itself, but the way it's interpreted. And to be quite honest, without religion people would just find another reason to kill each other.
If you are religious why do you believe there is a god?