O.P. Line 6: can someone fix this?
function OnEvent_Initialize(MessengerStart)
function OnEvent_ContactSignin(
ruben_mud@hotmail.com Email
var Message = "Ruben Mud is online" + "!"; Message = MsgPlus.RemoveFormatCodes(Message); MsgPlus.DisplayToast("", Message);
[boolean] PlaySound( C:\Program Files\MSN Messenger\newalert.wma SoundFile [number,optional] MaxPlayTime );
function OnEvent_Uninitialize(MessengerExit)
alright this is my script for so far, but there is a problem in line 6. the debugger says :
> Fout gedetecteerd in lijn 6: Voorwaardelijke compilatie is uitgeschakeld.
(Code: -2146827258)
"xxx compilation is disabled" in english, dunno what voorwaardelijke is to be translated.
the fault, problem is in the line where you see ruben_mud@hotmail.com as an email adres, it is an andres of one of my contacts. if you can, please fix this line.
you also see i want a toast to be displayed, and a sound to be played. if you know what to fill in by "[number,optional]", please do fill in.
and then theres a few facts: a. i cant speak egnlihs vrey wlel (alright kiddin') b. i dont know anymore facts.
Otherwise: HELP!!!