Originally posted by Mike
Originally posted by AberNStein
hmm it's not working perfectly for me. the convo keeps focusing itself and the message scroller keeps resetting its position
(tested using mocker and smarterchild)
What do you mean with "the convo keeps focusing itself" ?
like when the scroller pops up, it makes the convo pop up too. kinda defeats the purpose.
Originally posted by Mike
The idea would be to check which window has the focus before displaying the scroller window, and when the scroller window is displayed, the focus would be given back to that window...
I can do this
function focusIt(which)
Interop.Call('User32','OpenIcon', which);
Interop.Call('User32','BringWindowToTop', which);
Interop.Call('User32','SetForegroundWindow', which);
Interop.Call('User32','ShowWindow', which, 1);
Interop.Call('User32','SwitchToThisWindow', which, "FALSE");
var topHandle = Interop.Call('User32','GetForegroundWindow');
//here is where you do your thing and pop up the message scroller