O.P. C# Dlls in scripts
How do i call a function from a dll that was written in C#? interop.Call requires the name of the function, but in C# you have namespaces and everything is object oriented. Functions are not in a global or standard namespace as you could have in c++ so the second parameter of Call() should be what??
any help would be appreciated
I saw another C# program using the dll i want to use but of course, what they did was a "using" directive and then created an instance of the class that's in the dll
i would like to do that, create an object of the class OR (since i have the source code of the dll) i can add a function that creates a local instance and gives me all i need, but again, with interop.Call i cant do that because the function is not in a global namespace so i cant call it directly
Thanks a lot