Originally posted by rockie
it seems to pop up the persons ip address before they even initiate a file transfer with you (that you see visually) ..
i've gotten a popup a few times, where i killed the connection with an individual & then... later on, when i was doing nothing... a direct connection had been detected with them for some apparent reason, their dp was not updated... so i don't think my messenger grabbed their dp (i know i can get a popup if i view an individuals contact card and their dp has been updated)
any more info on what triggers a direct connection happens & when? this is like 'open window notifier' haha
* seems even if i close messenger & open it & sign back in... a min or less after that this 1, individual keeps poping back up in the detected (new) list
also a suggestion: in the ip connections gui, could you add in the usernames, or email address's that the ip's come from somehow?
As i said before, the direct connections might be between the user and a MSN server.
As for detecting which user the direction connenction is with, I personally cannot think of a way to do it. In the GUI, it is not possible because that using something completely different. For the popups, they use a packet tracer, and there probably is a way to find out the username, but I havent found a reliable way yet.