Well, each toast can have 4 lines, so if you put the title as "Online Contacts", you should be able to iterate through the online contacts and display 4 people in each box. The only problem is, you'd need to find out the total number of online contacts and then make sure there are enough toasts for each user...
I've got an idea so I'm gonna go away and try it.
*goes away and tries it*
function OnEvent_SigninReady(){
Debug.DebuggingWindowVisible = true;
var myArray = new Array
var Contacts = Messenger.MyContacts;
var e = new Enumerator(Contacts);
for(; !e.atEnd(); e.moveNext()){
var Contact = e.item();
newItem = myArray.length;
myArray[newItem] = MsgPlus.RemoveFormatCodes(Contact.Name);
for(var i=0;i<350;i++){
myArray[i] = (myArray[i].substr(0,25)+"...");
MsgPlus.DisplayToast("Online Contacts"," "+myArray[0]+"\n "+myArray[1]+"\n "+myArray[2]+"\n "+myArray[3]);
MsgPlus.DisplayToast("Online Contacts"," "+myArray[4]+"\n "+myArray[5]+"\n "+myArray[6]+"\n "+myArray[7]);
MsgPlus.DisplayToast("Online Contacts"," "+myArray[8]+"\n "+myArray[9]+"\n "+myArray[10]+"\n "+myArray[11]);
MsgPlus.DisplayToast("Online Contacts"," "+myArray[12]+"\n "+myArray[13]+"\n "+myArray[14]+"\n "+myArray[15]);
MsgPlus.DisplayToast("Online Contacts"," "+myArray[16]+"\n "+myArray[17]+"\n "+myArray[18]+"\n "+myArray[19]);
Displays upto 20 online contacts (I can neaten up the if statements into a function to add even more people
) and currently checks 350 contacts. I didnt think too many people would have more than that. Can't get the text to change green for some reason... Maybe someone else could put that in?
To be honest, it looks quite a short simple script, but it still took me a while because this is my first time using arrays in JScript
EDIT: Just updated code as it was showing Email not Name and I've now truncated the Name after 25 characters