EDIT: It is possible, but it'd open all 4 people because I wouldn't know which contact to open... I could try and make it so that when you type either 1,2,3,4 on the numpad when the toast is visible that it opens the corresponding window
hmm. not bad. maybe even something like ctrl+alt+1. because i have a g15 keyboard, which is a keyboard with macro keys. so i could assign any keys to one of the keys to let me open a convo. but even using 1-4 on the numpad while the little toast is visible is good too. because the numpad keys would only be taken for the few seconds of the toast.
but if its a lot of trouble doing it, its not that important
EDIT: i had a little idea. is it possible that when the toast is clicked, a little window pops up in which you could chose who to start a chat with?
so i click the toast, and a small window with the 4 names pops up on which i can click one of the contacts and launch a window. So it would be click once, move mouse, click again. and chat is open
not sure which is better, numpad keys or that.