Originally posted by Adeptus
In my opinion, it is simply watching pornographic pictures during work hours for the screeners, the travellers unwillingly making pornographic pictures, and child pornography for minors travelling. MAJOR privacy issue here peoples.
I disagree.
First of all, nudity and porn are two different things.
Second, I have shocking news for everyone worried about their "privacy": roughly 50% of humans have a penis, the other 50% have a vagina. They all look about the same. If you think yours is special in any way, you are being silly. If you think the airport screener, who probably has seen a thousand of each on his X-ray machine just that morning, before you walked through it, is even going to give a second thought to yours -- you are being silly.
Obsessive shyness (as well as failure to differentiate between nudity and sexual situations) is a very recent phenomenon and it is not helping make the world a better place. Get over it.
Other than that, I think these machines are a great idea and far more useful than most of the idiotic airport security measures to date. The notion that offensive weapons must be made of metal is about 40 years obsolete; today, we have plastic and ceramic materials to build an excellent assault rifle without using a single metal part. Metal-free firearms are not mass produced and may be hard to obtain, but an effetive ceramic blade of any size could be easily made in somebody's garage.
I disagree with you, If peadophiles get jobs in schools to feed their addiction, what makes you think that any other form of sexual predators won't go for this job for exactly the same reason, as for your remark about "obsessive shyness" people have a right to privacy, it's nothing to do with shyness, it's to do with dignity, and choice. This machine takes both away.
I agree that something more needs to be done about security, but I know that I would certainly be discouraged from travelling if this machine was implemented, It's immoral, embarassing, and invasion of privacy, Even if they have different ones for men and women, this does not make anyone feel any the more comfortable.
If you feel comfortable going through this, then that's your thing, but I really can't see this working. I wouldn't sit quietly and let it go on.