Post here any things you want implemented in the scripting API.
I will update this post to include all suggestions made.
Enhancements to existing features
Not currently possible with scripts
- Debug window to include filename as well as line number
- Pointers for functions (for API Callbacks) (2 people want this)
- Options dialogue accessable from the scripts menu
- Version number, about dialogue, homepage address all accessable from the scripts dialogue
- Prototype method to add functions to objects. (hard to explain, so I provided a link) (2 people want this)
- Enumerate timers (so we can retreive/check which timers are currently running)
- A function to see how many milliseconds there are left on a timer
- Being able to have received messages longer than they originally are
- Being able to format received messages
- Aborting scripts in case of an infinate loop
Currently possible, but the method used could be improved
- OnEvent_ChatWndReceiveMessage to include all types of messages (i.e. file transfer, nudges)
- Getting the font and font colour of contacts.
- Sortable listview columns (2 people want this)
- Making scripts to be able to actually use the TranslationId property in the Window element.
The e-mail of the user to be added as a param to Origin in ChatWndReceiveMessage Patchou has said this is impossible
New features
Not currently possible
- The ability to perform action messages seen by both users, or just the local user. (3 People want this)
- Add to chat log, i.e. the ability to add an item to a conversation chat log (2 people want this)
- The ability to change a contact's name in the contact list only.
- Changing the size and opacity of buttons
- Update system (the ability to automatically download the new plsc file, uninstall the current version, and install the new version)
- Being able to stop and restart scripts
- OnEvent_EmailReceived (2 People want this)
- Greater control over file transfers
- OnProcessEvent_Terminate
Currently possible, but the method used could be improved
- A function to work out contacts MSN ID's
- The ability to set a personal message natively
- The ability to add your own submenu's in the right click context menu in the contactlist (in the "msgplus extras" menu) both for contacts as for groups.
- A function to calculate the user hashes in the registry (2 people want this)
P.S. if you like an idea already suggested, say so in the thread, and i'll add a counter, so popular ideas can be seen.
When you suggest an idea, please tell me which category, and sub category to put it in.