Originally posted by ForestLand
they have some sort of software that allows them to watch all of the students desktops and see what they're doing (like remote assistance), so breaking into the C:/ is impossible.
They've got that at my school, but I doubt that they ever use it
Originally posted by .Roy
Originally posted by ForestLand
My school run windows 2000 (or some cases, ME) and even the [winkey] + D shortcut doesn't work, and worse... they have some sort of software that allows them to watch all of the students desktops and see what they're doing (like remote assistance), so breaking into the C:/ is impossible.
Its possible, you'll get caught though.
Could you explain it, because getting caught probably won't happen, and even if it does, it's not hurting anybody.
Originally posted by Unreal209
I can't take any apps in on my USB drive, reason, i got them banned. Ages ago i used to take my USB drive into school with like 5+ games on it no install flash etc. Took the techy months to figure me. Now, i plug my drive in, it won't evan be recognised. Which is really wierd cos sometimes the techy can have a new site banned within minutes of someone finding it.
My school loves USB disks. You can buy them through the school now, and all the old computers that have no front USB port have got small USB extension cables plugged in and duct taped to the side for easy USB port access.