Originally posted by saralk
The e-mail of the user to be added as a param to Origin in ChatWndReceiveMessage
The following response from Patchou is taken from the Beta Testing section:
Originally posted by Patchou
So you honestly think I would send you the name of the contact if I could send you his email?
Messenger Plus! itself has no idea what the email of the contact is when a message is received in a chat. That's because messages are analysed when inserted in the edit box, not when received in the protocol stream (and there's a lot of other advantages to that).
So there's no way I can help you on this. What I can tell you though is that Messenger Plus! has always worked this way for some features, by guessing, and nobody ever complained about it. Changes that somebody is talking to multiple contacts in the same window who have the exact same names are very poor.
Originally posted by saralk
Getting the font and font colour of contacts.
Why? What is the point of adding a feature that has only 1 purpose? Which is to set the font style and colour to imitate your contact. No one has created a chat logging system (that I am aware of).
Originally posted by saralk
Options dialogue accessable from the scripts menu
Again why? This is up to the Programmer of the script to add in the menus.