Originally posted by SpunkyLoveMuff
It is very unlikely people would want to use gradients in this script
If the script doesn't support all kind of color tags, I frankly don't see why I should use this script tbh.
I though the purpose of such a script is to change bbcode color codes to irc color codes so contacts with Plus!3 can see the colors too (which I find an extreme good idea, don't get me wrong on that). This means the script should support all possebilities (ok, not right away, but it sure must be the goal in the end).
Originally posted by SpunkyLoveMuff
I'm adding an option to turn this function on and off so that there is always an alternative method.
instead of doing such a workaround it would be relativly easy to put a 0 in front of the singel digit numbers (as it should be anyways) by making the text used to replace as a function.
It is not so strait forward to make something like this (but no impossible; you just need to think about all the possebilities there are).