RE: Update: HolidayCounter 2.00.050 RC1
Cookie i like your HolidayCounter more than all other counters, because in Countdown Live when i want that the counter show me just hours its only showin me how many hours left "interday" so e.g.
It's now: 30. Dezember 2006 - 20:00:00
And i say to the counter:"Hey show me how many hours to new year...
So i set of course 31.Dezember 2006 - 00:00:00...
Now Countdown Live show me: "Only 4 hours remain..." Thats wrong buggy....
But ur countdown do the right and say:"28 h remain..."
So but only one thing for HolidayCounter.... After I restart my machine, and so restart messenger, ive to disable and reenable the script... it doesnt work for me after rebooting...