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RE: Automation Error
pfft this does what you want without other dlls
code: /*
Function by -dt- (Matt Labrum) (Converted from http://forums.fanatic.net.nz/index.php?showtopic=11311&st=0# )
Void setNowPlaying( boolean enabled, [String type [, String format [, String title [, String artist [, String album [, String contentID ]]]]]] );
if enabled is true the now playing will show, if its false then the personal message will show.
type is the type of image you want to display. Either Music, Office or Games.
format is the format of the song eg {0} by {1} which would show title by artist.
format can also be a message eg "moo goes the cow"
setNowPlaying(true, "Music", "{0} - {1}", "dt", "dt's band", "dt's album");
or setting it to a Game icon and displaying a message
setNowPlaying(true, "Games", "yay playing warcraft");
or set it to the office icon
Playing(true, "Office", "yay using word ");
and turning it off
function setNowPlaying(enabled, type, format, title, artist, album, contentID){
if(typeof(type) == "undefined")type = "Music";
if(typeof(format) == "undefined")format = "";
if(typeof(title) == "undefined")title = "";
if(typeof(artist) == "undefined")artist = "";
if(typeof(album) == "undefined")album = "";
if(typeof(contentID) == "undefined")contentID = "";
enabled = Math.abs(enabled);
var WM_COPYDATA = 0x4A;
var song = Interop.Allocate(512);
//change the Music thing to Games or Office or
song.WriteString(0, "\\0" + type + "\\0" + enabled + "\\0" + format +"\\0" + title +"\\0" + artist + "\\0" + album + "\\0" + contentID + "\\0");
//write our copyDataStruct Structure
var copyDataStruct = Interop.Allocate(12);
copyDataStruct.WriteDWORD(0, 0x547); //dwData
copyDataStruct.WriteDWORD(4, song.Size); //cbData
copyDataStruct.WriteDWORD(8, song.DataPtr); //lpData
//Send it to all open messengers
var hMSGRUI = 0;
hMSGRUI = Interop.Call("User32", "FindWindowExW", 0, hMSGRUI, "MsnMsgrUIManager", 0);
if(hMSGRUI > 0){
Interop.Call("User32", "SendMessageW", hMSGRUI, WM_COPYDATA, 0, copyDataStruct);
}while(hMSGRUI != 0);
Happy Birthday, WDZ