RE: Is this Normal??
Ohh, well you didn't say before that you're taskbar was completely empty...Did you install the Messenger Plus! Live Enhancer script? Yeah, by default, that script disables the Windows Live Messenger taskbar button as soon as you enable it. To fix this, go into you're contact list window, click the Messenger Plus! Live icon, hover you're mouse over Enhancer, click 'Preferences...', and change all of those settings to you're appropriate needs. One of the settings is a checked check box that says something like 'Hide Windows Live Messenger taskbar button', or something like that...Either under the 'General' or 'Contact List' tab...Once you un-check that check box, click apply, and the button should appear in you're taskbar. I hope I helped this time...
- xDarkesTxElemenTx
I can be you're best friend...Or I can be the worst nightmare that has ever happened to you...I am a Ying-Yang...Be happy you have that choice, most people don't obtain it...