You might be best waiting for the next version. As far as I know, it's got to be a setting you have on your PC rather than a problem with my script.... I know there are errors if you place controls too close together, but as I said, the length of the checkbox label is not long enough to over lap the button
Been working flat out now for several hours to get a language function fully working within the script. I can currently change
almost (see PS) any text that the script uses in windows and toasts. So far I have a Spanish translation (missing a few phrases) and an Italian translation is on it's way. I have an option for French and Dutch translations built in already, but need translators (see PS2). Will add ANY languages submitted to me (also see PS2). Hopefully this version (3.7.71) will be released very shortly indeed and it will be more widely used
PS: For my Settings window, I am using one main window (WndPref) to hold child windows (one for each "page" of options). When I try and set the text of any control on the WndPref window, I receive an error saying that WndPref does not exist (I know that it does as the event itself is triggered by OnWndPrefEvent_CtrlClicked)
If I use
function OnWndPrefEvent(pWnd, sControlId){
trace(pWnd); //trace is my own function (easier to type)
//The window is still open at this point... I checked for common errors in the documentation
it says that pWnd is undefined... Any ideas why?
PS2: To translate for this script, please PM or email me and I will send you the file containing the phrases you will need to translate. Please then send it back to me and I'll edit the file to work with the script