Originally posted by phalanxii
I'm not sure if this is correct, but the problem seems to be:code:
if(GMTs.indexOf(",") != -1) {
var GMT = 1 * GMTs.replace(",", ".")
If you try setting the GMT like "1,5" it acts the same as if it is "1.5", so I assume that this "," should be changed to a ".". (Works for me at least.)
This was not the problem. If it had a comma, it would act as a normal decimal number, if it had a dot, it would act as a hour-minute pair (because
GMTs.indexOf(",") != -1 would return false, the
else statement is executed)
I let GMT be the hours + "." + Minutes / 60
Because Minutes divided by 60 could also be a decimal number, you'd have two dots, which is Not a Number or NaN
That's why I added the Math.round(), but it shouldn't divide by 60, but divide by 60 times 100 to convert the minutes to decimal (forgot the times 100)
version 1.01.023
Minor bugfix
I was working on fixing this at school, so I didn't had the correct version at home. So I downloaded it, and installed it, and it also overwrote the windows.xml, which I was busy with, making the GUI. I lost it all
(wasn't very much, but still