Originally posted by MenthiX
** These are features that won't come back at all. That means not in 4.00, not in 4.10 and not later. The are probably more features than is listed below that won't come back, but I only put those on the list that are 100% confirmed by Patchou. If you know another features that wn't come back and Patchou confirmed this, please reply to this topic so I can update the list. Link to the topic where Patcou confirms if you can.
- Plugins (completely replaced by scripts)
- Comeback Messages (became useless because you can now use offline messaging)
- Custom Names (WLM has it's own rename, altough it's less features)
What features are missing in Plus! Live?
This feature will not come back. Just double click on an offline contact and send a message. They will recieve it when they come online.
Originally posted by Windows Live Help
# You can send instant messages when your contacts are offline, and they will receive your messages the next time they sign in to Messenger.
# You can only send your offline contacts text or emoticons.