Originally posted by Matty
ShowWindow with SW_HIDE and SW_SHOW
i figured that out but what do i pass it as the first argument? the ChatWnd object? and are SW_HIDE and SW_SHOW really constants in JScript? the values of these are 0 and 5 so why not just pass that?
Originally posted by deAd
..and also, don't double post, just edit your posts.
Do you see any double posts and is this edited?:
Originally posted by billboy1001
i want to write a SCRIPT to hide ONE CHAT WINDOW
EDIT: i know i can use api calls but wich ones
This post was edited Today at 08:21 PM by billboy1001.
var handle = Interop.Call("user32.dll", "FindWindowA", "", Nick + " - Conversation");
is there something the matter with this because it keeps returning 0 and that is why it is not working.
EDIT: Nick is the other username