RE: Your views: Animal testing
I personally, don't much like animal testing. I find it cruel, and I've always wondered why they do it, as wouldn't animals have different reactions to humans? I feel that the people who test animals should test these things on themselves and see how much they like it. Sure, one animals life is worth 1000's of humans lives, but can't you argue that isn't one humans life worth 1000's of others, too? Why are animals considered so different from humans, that it makes it right to test products on them and not on humans?
Animal rights people are okay, so long as they don't start getting right in your face and breaking the law.
Edit: After reading Nitro's post, I have to add, that if it is indeed a dog testing dog food, that isn't a problem, but with things like cosmetics, etc. which the animal isn't going to use, I find it cruel.
This post was edited on 10-22-2006 at 01:28 PM by Tasha.
"Of course it is happening inside your head, Harry,
but why on earth should that mean that it is not real?"