RE: Scripting API Wishlist
I'd realy like to have more control over the file transfers, like Messenger.FileTransfers returns a FileTrans object which can be iterated to retrieve a FileTran object with methods like FileTran.Stop, and Properties like FileTran.FileName, FileTran.FileSize, FileTran.Speed, FileTran.Direction (return enumerator, 0 = inbound, 1 = outbound).
Also, if a message is received, the raw package seems to include the email too, so maybe it's not that impossible to include the email as a parameter in the OnEvent_ChatWndReceiveMessage, I intercepted 2 interesting packages with Xniff:
« (283) MSG his%20name 89 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol TypingUser:
« (325) MSG his%20name 130 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 X-MMS-IM-Format: FN=MS%20Shell%20Dlg; EF=; CO=0; CS=0; PF=0 heya :P
As you can see (i changed the emailadress a bit of course) the email address is sent, followed by the name that is going to be displayed (if you change this, you got that chat-only-name feature, i guess) and at the end somewhere is the actual message.
Also the first message shows an incoming "<user> is typing." message, which you can block if outbound, so nobody can see that you are typing (a script request for this has been made actually)
Maybe it's an idea to include the raw package as a parameter in OnEvent_ChatWndReceiveMessage and OnEvent_ChatWndSendMessage, and/or make 2 events like OnEvent_ReceiveRawPackage and OnEvent_SendRawPackage (triggered before actual sending, so you can edit it), so that you can have just that little bit of extra control over the raw packages.
This post was edited on 10-26-2006 at 02:49 PM by Plan-1130.