Originally posted by MattyRid
Originally posted by penguindude
Originally posted by Patchou
You'll have to wait a little more, I'm working on it . Meanwhile, I suggest you stick to WLM 8.0, the current beta of 8.1 doesn't bring anything really exceptional except for some annoying bugs.
how much longer must we wait
as long as it takes...can't be bothered waiting? go back to Windows Live Messenger 8.0.
As I say to everybody who asks us on IRC. Until Windows Live Messenger 8.1 is out of BETA phases, don't whinge about Patchou not releasing a new version of Messenger Plus! Live.
Why you ask, well technically Windows Live Messenger 8.1 is still a BETA which means there are still a number of bugs probably present, and if Plus! Was released for 8.1 and it crashed, the first thing most people would do is blame Plus! and then give Messenger Plus! a bad name. This is what Patchou would probably rather not put up with.
And in fact what the best thing to do is always run Windows Live Messenger 8.1 BETA without anything done to it (e.g patching, etc.) This then allows all your bugs to be cleaned out and then once out of BETA phases, then Messenger Plus! Live won't cause any harm to Windows Live Messenger because Messenger Plus! Live's BETA testers always find all the bugs and help Patchou releases a bug free version of Messenger Plus! Live. (Unless you find a way to stuff it up )
I don't agree this. Messenger 8.1 user is sure that he is using a beta messenger now. It will probably be crashed by some unknown reason. He want to use MP!L for his passion on MP!L. So why not release a beta version as u are working on them.