Originally posted by adam.yao
I don't agree this. Messenger 8.1 user is sure that he is using a beta messenger now. It will probably be crashed by some unknown reason. He want to use MP!L for his passion on MP!L. So why not release a beta version as u are working on them.
Once again, risking the reputation of Messenger Plus!. Patchou has worked so hard to get this far, why should all that hard work over the years be ruined because of a BETA which was fudged. I'd rather wait for a prefect version rather than having a buggy version released now. And anyway, why would a non-computer literate user be using a BETA program, they would find it harder to recognise a bug. Is it just because you want to say "I have the Latest version and it's BETA!!" get a grip on reality, just because you have the latest one and it's a BETA, doesn't mean it is the best one to use. In fact I have gone Back to 8.0 for the reason of how crap version 8.1 is. So unstable that last week I had about 10 crashes in 5 days.