! major security/privacy issue: do not store emails in the registry, use the userID instead... For the user's userID you use
Messenger.MyUserId as you know, but to calculate the userID of a random given email address use:
function userID(email) {
email = email.toLowerCase();
for(var x=0, i=0; i < email.length; i++) x = (x * 101 + email.charCodeAt(i)) % 4294967296;
return x;
/priv on command isn't reconized as a command...
- exclussion list (nor current list as-is) is not stored
- the script messed up my contact's block statusses
/priv on command is faulty (especially first time use)
/priv totalcontrol on/off seems inlogic (off should be on and vice versa; if totalcontrol is active it should save the current states, when it is turned off it should restore it; unless I misunderstand the purpose of 'totalcontrol' and in that case maybe another (not confussing) name for this should be made)
needs still a lot of work