One thing I'm not very fond of is that /psm is used for opening the config window, maybe change it to /psm+, or /psmplus, or /psmconf.
Also in the PSM+ config window i've found a few things:
= when opened, it should show "General" tab as opened
= in the tab: "Advanced" the "Convert BBCode to 3.xx" checkbox covers the "Add Nicknames" button when mouse overed
= in "Rotation" tab the "Personal Message String" textbox doesn't show what the textbox says in the tab "General", maybe remove the textboxes in "Rotation" that are in "General" also? Maybe even join the "Rotation" and "General" tab. It's a bit confusing...
= in "Rotation" tab it says "Select Sta
ge:", and in the drop down list it says "Sta
te #"
Ok, ok, I'm a bit of a perfectionist, but I just had to inform you
Overall a very, very nice script, too bad I have to choose between Advanced PSM Chat I wrote myself, or PSM+