Originally posted by AmbulanceX
percentage of a download in what program? IE firefox opera azeurus limewire steam? uhhh? what would actually be useful is a download bar in the msn window so when u friends sending u some or your sending them something instead of having to scroll up and see wheres its at, something on the bottom that says percentage, speed and eta...
I would LOVE something like this, there was a program addon for Messenger Plus 3 which did something similar, only it created a seperate window much like a DL in IE, but that would be better.
I think this program has been ported to a script for Plus! 4 but hasn't been officially released and was only beta. I tested it once and it seemed as though it wasn't functional at all, this was a while ago and haven't seen anything on it since. :\
Though, the poster of this thread should probably clarify a little more on what they're asking for.