Depends exactly which version you're using... If it's an older version (or from the scripts database) the script did used to have this problem but it has been sorted now and everything should be working perfectly.
I've just finished on this new version (3.8.0) which now (finally) includes the rotator function. The user can specify the interval/refresh rate and up to nine personalised message strings. The Enhanced PSM script has also been merged into this one as an advanced option for ease. Different from it's first release, Enhanced PSM now allows users to reposition it using either a GUI, or for more advanced users, by edting values such as "left" and "top". Languages aren't being supported right at this moment still, but will be reintroduced in the next (or next after that) release (hopefully
). Work is currently in progress for a CHM help file that will be included soon and there will also shortly be an update to the words list (which is LONG overdue