I'm really pissed of the RemoteControl Feature. In the past I really often used that feature, it was one of that features which makes WM/MSN/WLM to my favourite messengers. But then longtime I don't used that feature, and nowadays, when I really need it, it doesn't work; isn't it Murphys-Law?
. I often red in serveral Forum that it has something to do with SP2. But hey, are they gay?
So does it work for you?
I know that there are some things required, like Windows Messenger or a maybe disable XP-Firewall, also the settings under My Computer --> Remotecontrol have to be ticked. But I always get an error, a german error. I'm not sure what the same in english is, but I try to translate and to find out.
"Der Remotehostname konnte nicht
aufgelöst werden."
something like
"The Remotehostname could not be
See you soon
Biller "Wii move you" McTell