Originally posted by SpunkyLoveMuff
2) It's not really easy to tell if a file is legitimate or not and people may want to send files via WLM... I can add an option that changes the link if it's a certain file type, but it will not be on by default.
Don't... options like this never ever work like intended. Blocking or auto-deleting such files and links will always result in unwanted deletions etc.
See WLM's/Windows OneCare's own (stupidly annoying!) block for certain extensions etc.
Originally posted by alexp2_ad
Can I make a few suggestions?
3. Again, favourites, C:\. Plus, you could read firefox's favourites from a bookmark.html if you were feeling like it. But you should at least change favourites to read like so:
var dir = new ActiveXObject("WScript.Shell").ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%HOMEPATH%\\Favorites\\");
Don't use environment variables if you don't have to. Not everybody has such environment variables and sometimes they even are wrongly defined. Use the proper Windows APIs (eg: SHGetSpecialFolderPath and the likes) to get those special folders.
Originally posted by alexp2_ad
4. Should check if each browser is installed and not show the button if it isn't.
Better just disable the button. Hiding the button will result in a messy layout with gaps between the buttons when certain browsers aren't installed.
Originally posted by SpunkyLoveMuff
(...) These are switches to add to the command line in a shortcut file, not for running the program from the RUN command
That is the exactly the same. What you enter in the shortcut _is_ exactly what you would write on the command line in a DOS-box.
Originally posted by SpunkyLoveMuff
3) The favourites location is now read from the reigstry and it includes the drive letter so it SHOULD always be right
Do not... That registry key you're using (I assume, I didn't checked out the script yet) is only there for Windows compatibily reasons. Although extremely many apps use those keys to get to those paths it really shouldn't be used. Use the proper APIs instead...
EDIT: after writing this post I4ve seen you've made some changes already or responded on some things already.... I'll sush now