Originally posted by markee
This link looks like it could be very helpful but you will need to convert it to JScript from the language that it is in already. I found the kind of thing you were after about halfway down. I recommend using an ActiveXObject like in iTunes+. Good luck with coding it
That doesnt get the current wmp COM object, it creates a new instance of it.
there are two ways that i know of to get the current one (or atleast access the properties of it)
1) remote the wmp control and fetch it that way (
2) access it via a wmp plugin
remoting the wmp control is probably the best method (as it doesnt require wmp to load your plugin) but you'll have to code that yourself (you cant do it with a script)
the dll here
is a wmp plugin and is pretty easy to install/use, though it lacks a few things (which you'll have to add and compile yourself)