Not trying to start any battles here... I understand the idea of bloat control. I agree with doing so... and I'm not saying everyone here does that.
But some do! Keep in mind that 10 people wanting something isn't an indication that it's only 10 people... the others may simply choose not to ask.
In response, no, I meant ALT-TAB... you know... if I am looking at a different window and want to go back to the
window without having to take my hands off the keyboard. I know that CTRL-TAB switches tabs. The problem I'm referring to will often not even show the Messenger window in ALT-TAB list... and it doesn't show ALL of the IM windows, only the most recent. Working properly, ALT-TAB would show all, even though the taskbar only shows one. Then, when you ALT-TAB into it, it should switch to that particular tab if it wasn't already selected.
The other problem is certainly NOT a Windows problem when things work fine for all other programs, and Messenger works fine without Plus installed or if Tabbed Chats is disabled.