RE: A compiled list of the awfulness of WLM
I think a few things described on the list aren't really bugs, but in a way, ill coded features, i.e. they haven't took everything into account. Modern programming isn't about making a program that does the task you want, it is about doing the task you want as easy, fast and user-friendly as possible. Take the file transfer feature, there is a never ending list of how it can be improved, even simple tweaks like organising your received files can make a huge impact.
The problem Messenger will always have is that is relies on the Internet. Servers can go down or behave improbably for many reasons, and when they do, the whole program itself can start acting funny. This of course can't be helped, but could be improved, e.g. the way Messengers handles failed messages. A small option could be 'resend' message. This is a simple, but could make all the difference to a frustrated user.