Originally posted by Sypher
ETA? Maybe tomorrow, who knows.. It works but i was working on a settings window, but i might postpone that to 1.1
What my script does is running a timer and executing an app i've made.. This app instructs the process to drop some of its pages, lots of technical mumble jumble.. The problem is that WLM re-inflates these pages very often, so setting the timer to a lower amount gives a lower and more steady memory usage.
I use this code in all the applications (.exe files that is) i create, as it saves me a damn lot memory!
Currently the timer is set to 1 minute, thats why i wanted a settings window to change this.
I just tested this same code on Firefox, and it went from 122MB to 20, after a while it went up to 70, but it's still less then it was.
Cant wait for that script, or exe
what ever it is i will get it sounds a good script for me
The toast notifier script is working fine atm