Originally posted by SpunkyLoveMuff
The window uses the "Flair" style used in stickynotes, even if you can't really see it, I should credit deAd for it
If you want to make the flair more visible, lighten up the gradient. The flair image is the same one used for Plus! window titlebars, and you'll notice that the titlebars are all light -- even if the color is black.
Originally posted by SpunkyLoveMuff
It saves the need for all those Interop.Call(s) to MessageBoxW and having to discover the right paramaters (such as which number you need for certain buttons).
This is where constants make it easier. If want a messagebox with a question icon and an OK button, you could put 0x00000020 as the button flags, or you could use the easier approach of using MB_OK | MB_ICONQUESTION. Though you still have to define stuff, it saves a lot of work, makes code more organized, and makes it easier to change -- especially if you use a lot of messageboxes.