Originally posted by J-Thread
Originally posted by CookieRevised
Also the parsing of commands isn't entirly correct. The parsing of tags is also not done like in Plus! 3.
What's wrong with that? It just splits out the command and the parameters, I wouldn't know what else plus does?
problem is that the parsing isn't done properly. Certain commands and tags will not be parsed by your script. For example tags don't only include characters [a-z1-9], they can contain a lot more characters
Originally posted by J-Thread
Originally posted by CookieRevised
Plugins were/are user specific, this isn't so in your script, hence handling isn't done properly.
I thought about that one, but because Scripts are not user specific anymore, I decided to make the plugins that way too.
Because plugins are user specific, you must parse/handle them user specific otherwise many will not work properly. The same goes for the time when they are loaded. They should only load when the user has signed in, etc. With this script you break many things, including compatibility, as it is now.
I suggest you make a very basic plugin containing all possible functions that plugins can have and which in each function is a message box which informs you what has been parsed. In that way you can/will see when exactly initialize, uninitialize, etc should be called. It's way different then with script and it should stay the same, otherwise many plugins will not function properly since they are specifically designed with that in mind.
Originally posted by J-Thread
Originally posted by CookieRevised
^^ these things are done within the plugins themselfs by broadcasting a message.
I know that Plus! does it, so I do not catch the messages at all. I just added it to the list because it works, and people might not know that plus still listens to those messages (I honestly wonder why it does that, because in scripts there is another way to do it...).
I see, hmm, maybe word it a bit differently then. Anywhow, Plus! still supports it because of compatibily reasons.
Originally posted by J-Thread
Originally posted by CookieRevised
It also doesn't load any of the plugins I have in Plus! 3.
That the big problem with this release, and that's why I gave it a version number less then 1.0. It is just not done yet so things are missing. Patchou once stated that only 10% of the plugins uses the MessengerAPI, so that would mean that 90% of the plugins should work with my script. I am quite sure that that there are much more scripts that use it.
This has got nothing todo with the Messenger API. No plugin is loaded at all, even not the simpliest one with only an initialize function in it and which does nothing for the rest.
Originally posted by J-Thread
Originally posted by CookieRevised
Other than this, the code itself is messy and things aren't always done in the cleanest way (eg: some routines which are very slow and long, which can be made way shorter and faster... the registry APIs which aren't used as one should... etc...)
Which ones? I know that I am using the RegQueryValueExW function although it would not be needed, but I use that because I am enumerating value's there and have an open key, so there's no need to open the key again (what the WScript.Shell object would do). I know my routines are long sometimes, but am not aware of them being slow, and I would know where and what I could improve. Any help is appreciated
for a specific example on the registry API, see the SendTo script. But that's only a specific example though. I would be glad to help out with this (script has big potential), but I don't have much time atm. And I would rewrite big chuncks of your script anyways, since that would be way easier for me than explaining every line or what could be
better. Dunno if you want that, if so, let me know...
Originally posted by J-Thread
In conclusion, I know this script is still buggy (although I thought that it should work, and give no errors with loading the dll) but I could choose between not submitting this script for the contest at all, or submit this (partially working) version.
imho, I said this to some other people too, it is better to submit a working script (maybe not will all the features, but the rest should work flawlessly) than submitting a half-done bug riddled thing, which doesn't work at all.