Originally posted by Snaal Sevool Snr.
I was wondering if your FN key application you built for some guy earlier in the thread will work on my HP keyboard (no, I'm not on a prebuilt, i got it for $4 at my school computer markets), so when I get a new IM the orange LED flashes. Also when I press the Messages button make the window come into focus. Thanks if you decide it's a good idea, if it helps (I don't think so, I couldn't find anything on it on google) the modle number of the k/b is SK-2505.
Well, have you executed that program? cause i need the keycode for your "message" button..
or you can try to fill that code into the scripts code (where it says "var VK_num = 144" replace 144 by your keycode) select numlock in the config and try it out yourself