Originally posted by CookieRevised
Originally posted by deAd
I think I have fixed the problem by comparing the key code with the result of VkKeyScanW and the character's ASCII code
And since you speak of "the character's ASCII code", it means that this special key of yours might just be a shortcut of another standard existing key. So, use that one instead.
Originally posted by deAd
EDIT: and it's not a very uncommon key.... I'm fairly certain almost all keyboards have it, as it's used within plus! as well
tbh, very very doubtfull.
What is the key and what is it supposed todo in Plus!?
The key is VK_OEM_4 (0xDB) on US keyboards, which is ASCII 91 (0x5B), or "[". It may not be parsed when it is typed as in the script, but it is used for tags within plus!, and many other projects, so it must be common to be on keyboards.
Why would using VkKeyScanW not work? I provide it with a static ASCII code which never changes (91, or 0x5B) and it provides me with its virtual key code (in my case, VK_OEM_4 or 0xDB). It's then compared to the pressed key code so it
should work on all systems that have "[" as one of the keys...
I do not think it's a "shortcut" for another existing key, because MSDN labels only VK_OEM_4 as "[", and the ChatWndEditKeyDown function provides a virtual key code and not an ASCII one...