RE: [Fix] Problem with OnEvent_ChatWndRecieveMessage's Origin
- 'Origin' is not equal to a user id, it is the nickname
- You need to check on reg setting 'DisabledForxxxxxxxxxx' first
- Reg setting 'ChatName' is a DWORD not a string, thus it will be returned as a number, using ==='1' will always fail.
- You must take in account that 'szChatName' doesn't exist even if ChatName is enabed, in that case the name is 'StuffPlug User'
- Some comments are not prefixed with //
- Code can be optimized a lot
EDIT: I see dead posted first.... anyhow, dead's code can be optimized too...
This post was edited on 01-22-2007 at 06:21 AM by CookieRevised.
.-= A 'frrrrrrrituurrr' for Wacky =-.