Cookie, I changed your code because I still could not find that registry on my computer and so I would imagine other people would have the same problem as I am having if this was used.
function OnEvent_ChatWndReceiveMessage(ChatWnd, Origin, Message, MessageKind) {
var sMyChatName = Messenger.MyName;
var sStuffPlugPath = "HKLM\\SOFTWARE\\\\StuffPlug\\";
var oWSH = new ActiveXObject("WScript.Shell");
try {
var reg = oWSH.RegRead(sStuffPlugPath + "DisabledFor" + Messenger.MyUserId)
throw "";
}catch( e){
if(reg !== undefined && reg !== 0){
throw "";
if (oWSH.RegRead(sStuffPlugPath + Messenger.MyUserId + "\\ChatName") === 1) {
var sMyChatName = "StuffPlug User";
try {
var sMyChatName = oWSH.RegRead(sStuffPlugPath + Messenger.MyUserId + "\\szChatName");
} catch( e){}
} catch( e){}
if (Origin !== sMyChatName) {
// Do stuff here
// Do more here if you like