Originally posted by rock3r
yes you may be right.. but i was talking about something that you can *explicitly* call, like pressing Ctrl+E (e for emos, of course ), and that can show up an intellisense-like panel that is searched and narrowed while you tipe *a part* of the emo name, that can or not be the beginning of its name; that way, you don't have to care about "(" and other chars at the beginning of your emo name. Another useful feature could be a small preview of currently highlighted emo in the panel, to see if it's the one you want. To speed up it all you could also implement this feature, maybe as an optional one, into Plus!...
tbh, something like this will never be faster than the current implemented way. Something like a intellisense-like panel, and certainly when you consider parts of shortcuts*, needs a lot more processing than simply showing a complete panel
*Which means your panel will always be showing up and slowing everything down since whatever you type you will always have one or more emoticons which apply to those keystrokes.
Originally posted by rock3r
yes but "the Plus! ( thing" is *very* slow because it has to prepare previews of all emos
It simply takes the previews already on your hard disk, the ones from Messenger itself. Hence, this is done in a split second...
What you probably mean by
slow is the time between typing "(" and the panels showing up, which is by default 500ms. But that can be tweaked by setting a registry setting:
http://www.msgpluslive.net/help/registry/ >
default: REG_DWORD 500
Delay, in milliseconds, used to display the Quick Icons panel when a parenthesis ('(' character) is typed in a message. The range of acceptable values is 1 to 10,000 inclusive.
So either add/change it manually:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Patchou\Messenger Plus! Live\
or either use
Choli's Plus! Live Registry Tweaker.