O.P. RE: Emoticon auto-completion
well i tried changing the registry but the only difference now is that if i type a "(" the panel pops up before i can continue writing, but it still take a lot of time to load itself! The problem is, the first time it pops up, or the first time it pops up a new category, it is *very* slow! I think you misunderstood what i said: it's not the popup delay i want to decrease, i noticed that when it has to "cache" emos to show it is very slow. My idea was in fact a "big emo collection" version of the panel, that you may pop up with a defined keyboard shortcut, that doesn't take lots of time to cache previews because it does only show one preview; also, text search in an array of strings of 7 chars is very fast even if you have thousands of entries in that array. If Winamp can be so fast when "jumping to file" in my 2200+ playlist, why shouldn't Plus! with less than 200 emos? Anyway, if you bind the new panel to a key sequence, it doesn't "show up every time you type", or at less not more than the actual emos panel! It could just be a simple reworking on sounds panel, in fact that panel has nearly the functions I'm thinking about (except for the emo preview, of course, but it has sound preview).
I don't think it's a bad idea, nor a "cpu intensive" thing to do... if you want i think i could code something by myself but unfortunately i only know vb.net and java... i could apply to learn c# but at this moment i don't think i've got much time