No, I'm not using it.
I have downloaded build 6000 though, but haven't installed it (yet?).
I don't think I will be installing it in the near future because the only computer that can handle Ultimate is my brother's computer (Core 2 Duo 6400, Nvidia Geforce 7600GT 2x512MB RAM) however, he doesn't want it
I have installed RC1 though on VMWare (on his computer) and I can't really enjoy it because of the virtual video device lacking the ability to use the original's graphic card's features.
I have also installed RC1 on a friend, and played with it a little.
Originally posted by ~INVASION~
the black screen that notifys the user about program actions is wonderful
Have to agree with Jesus here, I didn't like it for the time I played with Vista on my friend's computer.
It takes some time to show up (about 0.5~1 sec) and it is really picky when a program attempts to do something (for example: "Hey this program is trying to use FindWindow to find the hWnd of a control!
This can be very dangerous, and you should not allow it! Do you want to deny access to the program to use FindWindow?" or when copying files to another HDD: "You must take ownership of this folder before copying files to it"