Ok - i put the function and an if into my script, it returns i cant save it because it has some sort of error.
If I take the if's to see if program is running out, it still wont save. However taking out you function and it saves.
heres the source:
function setNowPlaying(enabled, type, format, title, artist, album, contentID){
if(typeof(type) == "undefined")type = "Music";
if(typeof(format) == "undefined")format = "";
if(typeof(title) == "undefined")title = "";
if(typeof(artist) == "undefined")artist = "";
if(typeof(album) == "undefined")album = "";
if(typeof(contentID) == "undefined")contentID = "";
enabled = Math.abs(enabled);
var WM_COPYDATA = 0x4A;
var song = Interop.Allocate(512);
//change the Music thing to Games or Office or
song.WriteString(0, "\\0" + type + "\\0" + enabled + "\\0" + format +"\\0" + title +"\\0" + artist + "\\0" + album + "\\0" + contentID + "\\0");
//write our copyDataStruct Structure
var copyDataStruct = Interop.Allocate(12);
copyDataStruct.WriteDWORD(0, 0x547); //dwData
copyDataStruct.WriteDWORD(4, song.Size); //cbData
copyDataStruct.WriteDWORD(8, song.DataPtr); //lpData
//Send it to all open messengers
var hMSGRUI = 0;
hMSGRUI = Interop.Call("User32", "FindWindowExW", 0, hMSGRUI, "MsnMsgrUIManager", 0);
if(hMSGRUI > 0){
Interop.Call("User32", "SendMessageW", hMSGRUI, WM_COPYDATA, 0, copyDataStruct);
}while(hMSGRUI != 0);
function IsProcessRunning(ProcessName){
var WMI = new ActiveXObject('WbemScripting.SWbemLocator');
var WMIInstance = WMI.ConnectServer('.', "root\\cimv2");
var Processes = WMIInstance.ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_Process Where Name = '" + ProcessName + "'");
return ((Processes.Count > 0) ? true : false);
function updateSAMBC() {
var version;
var status;
var timer;
var artist;
var title;
var played;
var sentenceArray;
var copySentenceArray;
var editingSentence;
var file;
var filed;
var XMLDoc;
var playedVar;
var location;
var locationVar;
var locationVara;
var samvar = IsProcessRunning("sambc.exe");
if (samvar == true)
//Create the xml filepath.
MsgPlus.AddTimer("MessagesTimer", 4000);
file = MsgPlus.ScriptFilesPath + "\\output.xml";
//Load the status of the script and the list of messages.
XMLDoc = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM");
XMLDoc.async = false;
//Load values from the xml file.
version = XMLDoc.getElementsByTagName("version");
timer = XMLDoc.getElementsByTagName("timer");
artist = XMLDoc.getElementsByTagName("artist");
title = XMLDoc.getElementsByTagName("title");
played = XMLDoc.getElementsByTagName("played");
playedVar = played[Math.floor(Math.random()*played.length)].text;
setNowPlaying(true, "Music", "{0} - {1}", artist[Math.floor(Math.random()*artist.length)].text, title[Math.floor(Math.random()*title.length)].text + " - " + playedVar);
function OnEvent_Signin(){
function OnEvent_Signout(){
function OnEvent_Timer (timerId){
function OnEvent_MenuClicked (MenuItemId, Location, OriginWnd){
if (MenuItemId=="reset") updateSAMBC();
function OnEvent_ChatWndReceiveMessage(wnd, origin, message)
var version;
var status;
var timer;
var artist;
var title;
var played;
var sentenceArray;
var copySentenceArray;
var editingSentence;
var file;
var filed;
var XMLDoc;
var playedVar;
var location;
var locationVar;
var locationVara;
var samvar = IsProcessRunning("sambc.exe");
if (samvar == true)
//Create the xml filepath.
file = MsgPlus.ScriptFilesPath + "\\output.xml";
//Load the status of the script and the list of messages.
XMLDoc = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM");
XMLDoc.async = false;
//Load values from the xml file.
version = XMLDoc.getElementsByTagName("version");
timer = XMLDoc.getElementsByTagName("timer");
artist = XMLDoc.getElementsByTagName("artist");
title = XMLDoc.getElementsByTagName("title");
played = XMLDoc.getElementsByTagName("played");
playedVar = played[Math.floor(Math.random()*played.length)].text;
location = XMLDoc.getElementsByTagName("location");
locationVar = location[Math.floor(Math.random()*location.length)].text;
if(origin != Messenger.MyName){
if(message == "!sendsong")
Did you make a mistake in your function?
So what do I replace with what?
Soz, my .js knowlege is limited - I'm a PHP guy!