Hey Jhrono,
927 $ CAD (Converted Through Google)
While the one I posted costs
1 195 $ CAD (Converted Through Google)
The price difference is quite a bit more than the $268 you figure. The Ars Guide price includes keyboard, mouse, speakers and monitor, while yours doesn't. If we take those off, it only comes to $682 CAD, making for a $513 difference -- now, that's a big difference. I don't disagree that it may be worth it to spend the additional money, especially if the primary use of the computer will be gaming, but the original poster simply may not have that option. That's for them to decide.
Last but not least, the case you picked has got a considerably bad airflow in comparison to Nox's Coolbay 25 (Which features a 250 mm side and a 80mm frontal)..
I didn't pick a case, I just pointed the original poster to a reputable hardware oriented website.
Ars recommendations are in part based on what's readily available in the North American market; I personally have never heard of "Nox Coolbay" cases and the top Google search results for them are all in Portuguse, which suggests their products probably haven't made it here. Either way, I doubt Ars picked a case with insufficient air flow for what goes in it.
It is also not necessary to copy Ars configurations exactly (although that one seemed to fit the budget as it was). If the original poster doesn't need the peripherals and has some extra money left over, it could be spent on a better case or perhaps a different CPU -- they could refer to the
mid-range system Guide for some ideas for the next step up.