RE: [release] WLM Preview Box v1.01.02
The idea of using the email is kind of hard now due to StuffPlug making chat-only names unfortunately, and we wouldn't want to make a script that is buggy (well as little as possible). Secondly, there is going to be a feature to hide the preview box in the next release, but it will still be storing all the previous messages for you (just in case). The resizing of the window is going to be a little tricky and will require some patience while we get it all right first, the horizontal resizing might be done in a release before the vertical as well, but don't get your hopes too high yet. Last of all, it will be hard to embed it in FireFox and this would have to be an extra feature as well, we might look at this when we start running out of ideas and looking for some hard stuff to put in... it will be a while off if at all I'm sorry.