Originally posted by Patchou
Actually, msimg32.dll is the only thing that loads Messenger Plus! into Messenger. Detours is used after, to hook a couple of API functions (using Detours gives better results than patching the IAT like older versions of Messenger Plus! used to do, but you can achieve similar results with both methods). You could also use a CBT hook, check the documentation of SetWindowsHookEx, it's probably easier to start with that.
Then it's all a matter of intercepting the creation of each window and sending the proiper messages to send their behaviours, add stuff to the various menus, etc... changing the Messenger UI involves hooking some of the resource APIs like LoadResource yes.
Good luck
That was what I tried to say. And CreateWindow was just an example. CBT hook is better for window creations, but even best is a RET Hook, with the WM_CREATE interception, because thats after the window is created
(when the Message is handled by Messenger.