quote:Originally posted by muttantegg quote:Originally posted by vikke Did you try LoadLibrary API? That would probably not work either . But it's worth a try . I don't think Patchou will give you the signature . What's so special about the signature? (guess I could always look at the assembly, take a few classes in reverse engineering lol)
quote:Originally posted by vikke Did you try LoadLibrary API? That would probably not work either . But it's worth a try . I don't think Patchou will give you the signature .
quote:Originally posted by muttantegg code:// Initialize Plus (hopefully) typedef VOID (* PLUS_Type)(VOID); PLUS_Type Initialize_fn = (PLUS_Type) GetProcAddress( _PlusDll, "Initialize"); Initialize_fn();
code:// Initialize Plus (hopefully) typedef VOID (* PLUS_Type)(VOID); PLUS_Type Initialize_fn = (PLUS_Type) GetProcAddress( _PlusDll, "Initialize"); Initialize_fn();