Originally posted by Sunshine
If you already updated your flash player aswell then the best thing you can do is do a fresh install of everything.
1. Follow all instructions (point 1 to 9) provided in Completely remove (MSN/Windows Live) Messenger
2. Redownload and install the latest WLM (8.1.0178) at http://get.live.com/messenger/overview
3. Redownload and install latest Plus!Live from http://www.msgpluslive.net/download/
4. Test it..
5. Redownload and install A-Patch
Edit: see my last post first....sorry i didn't think of that one first...
Originally posted by Sunshine
Originally posted by OlafCZ
OK, thanks, I will try this.
Don't forget to update your Windows regurarly aswell
One thing more you can do (that might solve it) before you do a fresh install:
Have you ever used/do you use SmileyCentral or SweetIM? If so, uninstall it. C:/Program Files/MSN Messenger (delete it if it is).
Answer the question (second quote) and delete everything if needed.. and do the fresh install and lets see if that works.