it crashes my messenger too.
here's the debug:
> Script wordt gestart. //Starting script
> Script is succesvol gestart. //Script was succesfully started
> Functieaanroep: "OnGetScriptCommands" //Calling function: "OnGetScriptCommands"
> Functieaanroep: "OnEvent_ChatWndSendMessage" //Calling function: "OnEvent_ChatWndSendMessage"
> Fout gedetecteerd in lijn 15: Deze actie wordt niet ondersteund door dit object. //Error detected in line 15: This action is not supported by the object.
(Code: -2146827843)
> Fout gedetecteerd in "OnEvent_ChatWndSendMessage". //Error detected in "OnEvent_ChatWndSendMessage"
(Code: -2147352567)
Translations are literal, so they might not be what you are used to look at